delay_ok - YA TATU
A videoclip for delay_ok – an alternative music formation from Tricity, Gdańsk. Every scene was prepared in Processing without use of any outsource code

Al Boardman mines his challenges with dyslexia and ADHD to craft a very personal and appropriately frenetic short film about the increasing “feelings of constant distraction that we all feel.”

A 2D hand-drawn abstract animation using the music, "Catgot" by ISAN. The film highlights the beauty of the colors, composition and transformations of the objects in the scene. Adopting different colored hand-drawn brushstroke textures to draw the movements of water droplets in Photoshop so as to convey a colorful “fountain performance” to the audience.

The Blazing
A mysterious frequency seeps its way into the airwaves. Felt around the globe, its terrifying effects transform the fabric of reality.

A Wonderful World
Experimental film exploring the phenomenology of memory and consciousness through the breaking down and distillation of the image space as the world flies past around us.

Terra Cene
Experimental film exploring the phenomenology of memory and consciousness through the breaking down and distillation of the image space as the world flies past around us.

Development and destruction seem to go hand in hand when it comes to human progress on earth. There is a celebration of the human ability to create sophisticated environments in which we inhabit, but also a concern at the price that we are paying for this.

Ziemia / Soil
In Polish language, word "Ziemia" means both "soil" and "Earth", which I think is a meaningful coincidence. It’ s interesting to think what it would be like to live in an environment such as soil. Communication there happens in darkness, and consists of subtle vibrations and chemical signals - so much dif ferent than our loud, bright world above. The ground it is quieter , but it has its own specific sounds, that come from the organisms living there, roots growing, water travelling through. Fertile soil is something that takes a very long time to develop and very little time to destroy . For me it's a fragile, beautiful and mysterious environment - and that's how I aimed to depict it in this animation.